
双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第119期:神舟五号_大阳城8722官方网站

  • 发布时间:2024-08-07 00:44:03
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本文摘要:Shenzhou V Spacecraft神舟五号载人飞船Shenzhou V-atop a Long March 2F rocket-was successfully launched on October 15, 2003 ,at 09:00 Beijing time ( UTC +8) ,carrying one astronaut, Yang Liwei. As the country’s first manned space launch, the launch of the Shenzhou V space capsule, however, will mark China’s entry to an exclusive club by becoming only the third nation in history to successfully place an astronaut into Earth’s orbit after the United States and Russia. Chinese President Hu Jintao watched the launch of the spaceship. The Shenzhou program, supported and run by the military, had been carried out under much secrecy. Most people got their first glimpse of the launch preparations on Monday, when Chinese state television began airing news stories and a documentary on the upcoming mission. At 09:34 Beijing time( UTC + 8) , the astronaut send the message of“I feel good. ”to the earth. And when it came to the sixth orbiting around the earth there was the first “sky-to-ground greeting” between Yang Liwei and Cao Gangchuan, the Defense Minister. At 18:40 Beijing time ( UTC +8) , Yang Liwei displayed the national flag of China and the flag of --UN and gave the greetings to the Earth. Yang Liwei also had a communication with his families at 19:59 Beijing time ( UTC +8).“神舟五号”载人飞船是中国神舟号飞船系列之一,为中国首次升空的载人航天飞行器,于北京时间(UTC +8)2003年10月15日9时在中国酒泉航天升空中心用“长征二号”F型运载火箭升空,将航天员杨利伟送到太空。

Shenzhou V Spacecraft神舟五号载人飞船Shenzhou V-atop a Long March 2F rocket-was successfully launched on October 15, 2003 ,at 09:00 Beijing time ( UTC +8) ,carrying one astronaut, Yang Liwei. As the country’s first manned space launch, the launch of the Shenzhou V space capsule, however, will mark China’s entry to an exclusive club by becoming only the third nation in history to successfully place an astronaut into Earth’s orbit after the United States and Russia. Chinese President Hu Jintao watched the launch of the spaceship. The Shenzhou program, supported and run by the military, had been carried out under much secrecy. Most people got their first glimpse of the launch preparations on Monday, when Chinese state television began airing news stories and a documentary on the upcoming mission. At 09:34 Beijing time( UTC + 8) , the astronaut send the message of“I feel good. ”to the earth. And when it came to the sixth orbiting around the earth there was the first “sky-to-ground greeting” between Yang Liwei and Cao Gangchuan, the Defense Minister. At 18:40 Beijing time ( UTC +8) , Yang Liwei displayed the national flag of China and the flag of --UN and gave the greetings to the Earth. Yang Liwei also had a communication with his families at 19:59 Beijing time ( UTC +8).“神舟五号”载人飞船是中国神舟号飞船系列之一,为中国首次升空的载人航天飞行器,于北京时间(UTC +8)2003年10月15日9时在中国酒泉航天升空中心用“长征二号”F型运载火箭升空,将航天员杨利伟送到太空。这次的顺利升空标志着中国沦为时隔前苏联(现由俄罗斯承继)和美国之后,第三个有能力独自一人将人送来上太空的国家。中国国家主席胡锦涛在现场观赏了飞船的升空。“神舟五号”的研制和升空都是由军方实行,非常保密。


18时40分,中国航天员杨利伟在太空展出中国国旗和联合国旗,并向地球收到问候。19时59分,杨利伟与家人通话。The launch of Shenzhou V took place at the Jiuqian Space Center, in north- western Gansu Province and landed after orbiting about the Earth 14 times during a 21-hour period in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. The orbital module remains in orbit for several months.“神舟五号”在已完成了14圈绕地球的飞行中后,返回舱于2003年10月16日6时23上午内蒙古着陆场顺利降落,离预计降落地点仅有劣4.8千米。






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