

  • 发布时间:2024-05-22 00:44:01
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本文摘要:Chests puffing up with pride — and happiness felt head to toe — are sensations as real as they are universal. And now we can make an atlas of them.骄傲感不会充满著胸膛,幸福感不会从头顶溪边推倒脚底,这种现实的感觉所有人都有体会。

Chests puffing up with pride — and happiness felt head to toe — are sensations as real as they are universal. And now we can make an atlas of them.骄傲感不会充满著胸膛,幸福感不会从头顶溪边推倒脚底,这种现实的感觉所有人都有体会。而现在我们可以用图谱刻画它们了。Researchers have long known that emotions are connected to a range of physiological changes, from nervous job candidates’ sweaty palms to the racing pulse that results from hearing a strange noise at night. But new research reveals that emotional states are universally associated with certain bodily sensations, regardless of individuals’ culture or language.研究人员早已告诉情绪影响着一系列体征变化。从求职者因紧绷而手掌呕吐,到在夜晚听见怪异的声响而跳动加快。

但是新的研究指出,情绪状态与特定的身体感觉有关,无论个人的文化或语言。More than 700 participants in Finland, Sweden and Taiwan participated in experiments aimed at mapping their bodily sensations in connection with specific emotions. Participants viewed emotion-laden words, videos, facial expressions and stories. They then self-reported areas of their bodies that felt different than before they’d viewed the material. By coloring in two computer-generated silhouettes — one to note areas of increased bodily sensation and the second to mark areas of decreased sensation — participants were able to provide researchers with a broad base of data showing both positive and negative bodily responses to different emotions.多达700名来自芬兰、瑞典和台湾的参测者参予实验,实验目的描绘出特定情绪对身体感觉的同构图。


Researchers found statistically discrete areas for each emotion tested, such as happiness, contempt and love, that were consistent regardless of respondents’ nationality. Afterward, researchers applied controls to reduce the risk that participants may have been biased by sensation-specific phrases common to many languages (such as the English “cold feet” as a metaphor for fear, reluctance or hesitation). The results are published today in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.研究人员为每一个情绪测试创建统计资料线性模型,比如快乐、愤和爱人,获得的结果是完全一致的与受访者的国籍牵涉到。随后,研究人员用于了掌控方法,减少了参测者因为多种语言类似感觉偏差导致的(测试结果不精确)风险(例如英语“cold feet”可解读为惧怕,不情愿或犹豫不决)。

研究结果今天在美国国家科学院的会议上公开发表。Although each emotion produced a specific map of bodily sensation, researchers did identify some areas of overlap. Basic emotions, such as anger and fear, caused an increase in sensation in the upper chest area, likely corresponding to increases in pulse and respiration rate. Happiness was the only emotion tested that increased sensation all over the body.尽管每种情感产生一个特定的身体感觉图谱,研究者也确认了一些重叠的区域。

基本的情绪,比如气愤和不安,不会引发上胸部区域感觉强化,很有可能同时不会引发脉搏和排便亲率的减少。而在所有测试的情绪中,快乐是唯一能减少全身感觉的情绪。The findings enhance researchers’ understanding of how we process emotions. Despite differences in culture and language, it appears our physical experience of feelings is remarkably consistent across different populations.研究结果提升了研究人员对人类如何处置情绪的解读。

尽管文化和语言不存在差异,但或许我们的身体感觉其他人是高度一致的。The researchers believe that further development of these bodily sensation maps may one day result in a new way of identifying and treating emotional disorders.研究人员指出,随着这些身体感觉图谱的更进一步研究,未来可能会寻找辨识和化疗情感障碍的新方法。





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